Monday, September 26, 2011

Progress- lollipop installtion

I have estimated that I need 3,000 lollipops (based off of the pixelated image below which I did a series of effects on to get to be pixelated in that specific way)

Potential issues: To recreate the image below I would need more than the amount of colors I will have.

Potential solution: I can paint on the lollipops where I need additional colors.

How I would go about painting: 1) remove the pop from the plastic cover carefully. 2) paint with a acrylic wash. 3) let dry. 4) replace in plastic cover. 5) reseal cover with mild heat.

Another solution is that of layering to give the illusion of more colors. This would require additional pops, however still not to exceed my original estimated amount of 5,000.

I'm not sure if either of these solutions are ideal options but seeing as to how I can not afford to order customized colored pops I will have to make due. Based on these findings I will start by ordering 3 boxes of lollipops (approximately 3,600 lollipops).

I have also estimated the size to be: 50" x 60" or about 4 by 5 ft (assuming each lollipop has a 1 inch circumference).

Two variations. It is likely that the installation would be more saturated like the image to the right.

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