Saturday, May 28, 2011

Paper stacking, red pepper

the beginning of the paper pepper
working on the top details
bottom details
nearly done
form almost complete

Completed Form, bird's eye view

Completed Form, view from below

Completed Form, profile

Drawing of finished pepper form

 Perfect fit

Finished container

The narrative

The lone pepper

It's about time, changing the form in under 40 photos

Shredded, melted, and turned into a polar bear soap rug.

nothing but a head now

God made Adam out of dust

poor polar bear

I ended up lowering the temperature after the smoke alarm went off.

it's smoking

twice baked

after the oven I put it in the freezer and the quick cooling process caused the edges to lift a bit.

I like the edges being lifted because it gives the illusion of movement: flight, or swimming.

photo 39