Monday, September 12, 2011

Artworlds and Definitions

Questions for Further Reflection

1. Currently, what is your personal philosophy of art?

My personal philosophy of art is that it examine and bring to light truths and lies about life. Whether it is personal experiences of the artist, social and economic issues of the world, emotions that are universal among everyone, or whatever have you. Art in many ways is like science but less about the discovery  and pursuit of the understanding the universe and more about the discovery and pursuit of the self, the self typically being the artist or things that directly relate to the human position.

2. Regarding works of art in general, of what are you most certain?

I'm not sure if I understand what exactly this question is directed at. I guess what I am most certain of in regards to the entirety of art is that I recognize art as being something so apart of mankind as a whole as well as the need to create art that it goes back as far as the evidence of our existence. Man made tools for catching food and man made art.

3. Where in discussions of art and aesthetics do you feel most uncomfortable?

I suppose when discussing vulgarity in art I tend to feel uncomfortable. I'm not sure if that answers the question exactly but it is the best answer I can come up with. Being home schooled and coming from a "good Christian home" there are certain types of art that make me feel uncomfortable simply because of it being a taboo according to how I was raised. I don't have an issue with nudity in and of itself but if the nudity crosses a line of vulgarity I become uncomfortable with it.

4. What would you like to know that would disarm that discomfort?

Maybe if I could understand the reason behind it as not being something corrupt but rather something natural then I would have a better time with it and could no longer be uncomfortable with it.

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