Friday, October 7, 2011

Progress Photography

This is going to be a series of photos of Zoey displaying various collections and belongings.

Here are the first photos I have taken:

Other ideas for photos:

Zoey sitting or standing on the back of an arm chair with a tea set setup on the floor in organized lines.

Zoey in a tree with a bunch of her books propped up on the branches and organized by size and color.

Zoey standing in front of a chain linked fence with her dress ups hanging on hangers in an orderly fashion.

Zoey sitting in a class room chair with her markers, pencils, colored pencils, crayons, and other school supplies lined up in and organized pattern in from of her in the school hall (Will have to find out about getting permission with the school)

I want to do a picture of Zoey sitting in the grass with a collection of something but haven't decided what makes sense for that situation yet.

I want to take a photo of Zoey with her large collection of head bands arranged in front of her but not sure about the setting yet.

Potential picture of Zoey with her sand/beach toys arranged in front of her, possibly on the beach or on a driveway.

Potential picture of Zoey with dolls and their accessories arranged in front of her, not sure about the setting yet.

One last photo with goes along with the idea but is of a different kind:

I am going to try to take 2-3 more of the settings I have planned hopefully this weekend. If I can do more I will, but the setup time for these pictures varies so it is hard to say how long it will take.

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